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medical rescue from roof

A candidate must pass each step during the process before progressing to the next. A candidate submits an online application to Cobb County Human Resources. Cobb County Public Safety Office of Professional Standards screens each application to determine if there are items on the application that would disqualify a candidate from proceeding to the next step.

Cobb County Fire offers Lateral Fast-Track Training Classes based on demand.


Written Test

Cobb County Fire & Emergency Services uses the Accuplacer next generation reading, next generation writing, and next generation arithmetic for the written test. Practice guides can be found at

Physical Agility Test

The physical agility test is conducted by the Cobb County Fire & Emergency Services Internal Affairs/Training Personnel. The test consists of 10 stations that measure the candidate's ability to perform the different tasks within the time allowed. The dress code for the test consists of T-shirt, pants with a belt loop, and close-toed shoes.

This is a physically demanding test, and you will need to be prepared.

  • You need to be in good physical condition.
  • Be actively involved in a regular exercise program.
  • Be in excellent cardiovascular shape.
  • Get a good night sleep the night before the test.
  • Have a positive attitude.

Each station of the test is outlined below.

Show Details

Interview with Internal Affairs

Candidates will meet with an Investigator from Internal Affairs.

Background Check

All potential employees of the Cobb County Public Safety Department must undergo a complete background check.

Polygraph Examination and Psychological Evaluation

To ensure honesty and completeness throughout the background investigation, a polygraph examination will be done with all candidates by a licensed examiner to verify information from their background. Likewise, to ensure mental and emotional suitability for the unique demands for a career in the fire service, a written and clinical psychological examination with a license psychologist will be conducted.

Physical Exam

The physical exam is completed by a physician to determine whether the applicant can perform the functions required by Cobb County Fire & Emergency Services.

Final Interview

More than 1,000 individuals have become proud members of the Cobb County Fire & Emergency Services. We select only the best to join our department. We look forward to having you join our team. The final interview will be conducted by various members of the Command Staff, including the Fire Chief.


Event 1 - Hose Deploy/Pull

The candidate begins test by moving straight forward 50 feet. At 50 feet the candidate will grasp a nozzle attached to a 60 foot 1 ¾ inch hose line. The candidate will reverse direction and Deploy the 60-foot hose line by moving forward 50 feet. Once past the 50 foot mark the candidate will now Pull in the usable space between the 50 foot mark and the wall behind the turf the 1 ¾ inch hose line that is attached to a 174.5 pound, with 45/25/10 pound bumper plates, sled making for 60 to 70 pounds of pulling resistance. The candidate will pull in the usable space the hose and sled for a total distance of 50 feet. Once the sled crosses the 50-foot line event one is complete.

Short Video: Hose Deploy/Pull

Move to the opposite side of the sled and grasp a nozzle attached to a 10-foot section of 1 ¾” inch hose line to begin Event 2.

Event 2 - Hose Advance

The candidate will leave event one with the 60-foot hose line and nozzle in place on the ground and move to the opposite side of the sled. Start the Hose Advance by grasping a nozzle attached to a 10-foot section of 1 ¾ inch hose line that is attached to the 174.5 pound sled. With hose line over either shoulder the candidate will pull the sled for a total distance of 50 feet. Once sled crosses the 50-foot line covering 100 total feet the candidate will leave hose lines, nozzles, and sled in place to reverse direction and move forward 50 feet to complete event two.

Short Video: Hose Advance

Move 12 feet for Event 3.

Event 3 - Stairs with High Rise Pack

The candidate will leave event two by moving forward and left 12 feet to the base of the stairs. Start the Stairs with High Rise Pack by picking up from the ground a 33-pound high rise pack, consisting of two 50-foot sections of 1 ¾” hose lines bundled with straps, to carry over either shoulder or over the air bottle. The candidate will carry the high-rise pack over three cross-over bridges, go around a bollard, and then return over the same three cross-over bridges. The high-rise pack will be placed back to its original starting position on the ground at the base of the stairs. Each bridge will consist of 10 steps up, a 36-inch span as the cross-over, and 10 steps down. There is a 63-inch floor distance between each bridge and a 50-inch distance to and from the bollard turn. The candidate must always keep at least one hand on the handrail for safety. The candidate may skip steps on the way up and must hit every step on the way down. Once the candidate covers the 120 total steps and places the high-rise pack back on the ground at the base of the stairs, event three is complete.

Short Video: Stairs with High Risk Pack

Move 10 feet for Event 4.

Event 4 - Equipment Carry/Advance

The candidate will leave event three by moving left 10 feet to a shelf placed 36 inches off the ground under the first cross-over bridge. Start the Equipment Carry / Advance by picking up two 35.2 pound / 16 kilogram kettle bells, one in each hand, and carry the combined weight of 70.4 pounds / 32 kilograms a distance of 55 feet to be placed on the ground in a 3 foot by 5 foot outlined area. Once kettle bells are placed in the designated area the candidate will now move 30 feet over to the forcible entry machine and event four is complete.

Short video: Equipment Carry/ Advance

Grab sledgehammer from prop for Event 5.

Event 5 - Forcible Entry

The candidate will leave event four by placing the KB’s on the floor and move right 30 feet to face in front of the horizontal forcible entry machine. Start the Forcible Entry by deploying from the right side of the prop a 9-pound dead-blow sledgehammer and strike the 8 inch by 14.5 inch 95 pound I-beam. The candidate drives the I-beam with right hand side strikes the length of the 55-inch track and then returns the I-beam to its starting position with left hand side strikes. Once the candidate has performed both right and left hand side strikes the total distance of 110 inches and returned the sledgehammer event five is complete.

Short Video: Forcible Entry

Move 30 feet for Event 6.

Event 6 - Equipment Carry/Return

The candidate will leave event five by moving left 30 feet to the two kettle bells placed on the floor from event four. Start the Equipment Carry / Return by picking up from the floor two 35.2 pound / 16 kilogram kettle bells, one in each hand, and carry the combined weight of 70.4 pounds / 32kilograms a distance of 55 feet to the original starting position placed 36 inches off the ground under the first cross-over bridge. Once kettle bells are placed back on the shelf the candidate will now move to the ceiling breach and pull machine and event six is complete.

Short Video: Equipment Carry/Return

Move 12 feet for Event 7.

Event 7 - Ceiling Breach and Pull

The candidate will leave event six by moving left 12 feet to face in front middle right the ceiling breach and pull simulator. Start the Ceiling Breach and Pull by deploying from the prop a 6-foot pike pole and place the tip of the pole into a 4.75 by 4.75 box. The first box is located on the right 1.5 feet in from the entry. The box simulates a ceiling 8 feet above the ground. The candidate with body position remaining middle right of the prop fully lifts (pushes) a simulated ceiling 60-pound lever arm 5 times. The candidate then moves forward with body position remaining middle right of the prop 3 feet to now “hook” the pole into a 4 inch by 4 inch rebar 50 pound lever arm simulated ceiling located 9 feet above the ground and pulls the device fully down 5 times.

The candidate will continue middle right moving forward 3 feet to perform 5 pushes then to move forward one final time middle right 3 feet to perform 5 pulls. Moving forward middle right completes in succession 5 pushes, 5 pulls, 5 pushes, and 5 pulls. The candidate will turn working from middle right to now middle left and move in reverse order with each push and pull lever arm located on the left. Moving in reverse middle left completes in succession 5 pushes, 5 pulls, 5 pushes, and 5 pulls. Once the candidate completes a total of 20 pushes, 20 pulls, and places the pike pole back in the designated area event seven is complete.

Short Video: Ceiling Breach and Pull

Move 55 feet to Event 8.

Event 8 - Ladders

The candidate will leave event seven by moving 55 feet to face the middle of a wall mounted ladder rack. Start the Ladders by first dismounting a 28.5-pound single hook, 14-foot roof ladder mounted 69.25 inches from the ground to the top beam of the ladder on hangers. The ladder must be removed from each hanger without the ladder touching the ground. The candidate removes the ladder and carries it 34.5 feet then places it on the ground in a designated area between two cones. Second, the candidate then moves backwards and to the left 15 feet to perform a simulated individual 72-pound 24 foot 2 section ladder raise starting with one ladder fixed at the foot with a hinge at the base of the wall.

The candidate will lift the ladder off the floor from the tip end and raise rung-for-rung or as a beam raise until vertical and placed on the windowsill. This ladder is fixed with a lanyard as a safety if dropped. Third, the candidate will move forward and right 8 feet to an upright and secured 72-pound, 24-foot, 2 section extension ladder to raise and lower by the halyard. The fly section of the ladder should be extended fully and retracted with a hand-over-hand motion without losing control.

To finish ladders the candidate will move backwards and to the right 7 feet and return the 28.5 pound single hook 14 foot roof ladder from the floor 34.5 feet back to its original position on the ladder hangers 69.25 inches from the ground to the top beam. Once the candidate replaces the roof ladder on the ladder rack event eight is complete.

Short Video: Ladders

Move 10 feet to Event 9.

Event 9 - Search

The candidate will leave event eight by moving right and forward 10 feet to enter the tunnel. Start the Search by grabbing in either hand a 9-pound dead-blow sledgehammer and enter the 45 inch by 45 inch X 50 foot Tunnel. The candidate will “Get Low and Go” by crawling on hands and knees, bear crawling, or duck walking forward for 6 feet then to turn right ninety degrees, move forward 10 feet to turn right ninety degrees, move forward 4 feet to turn right ninety degrees, move forward 6 feet to then turn left ninety degrees, and then continue moving forward for 24 feet to the exit. Once the candidate completes the 50-foot Tunnel and leaves the sledgehammer at the exit event nine is complete.

Short Video: Search

Move 12 feet for Event 10.

Event 10 - Victim Rescue

The candidate will leave event nine by moving left and forward 12 feet to the victim. An anatomically correct rescue dummy weighing 150 pounds is placed on the ground in a supine position. The candidate will drag the rescue dummy forward with the provided shoulder or chest handles or backward by under the arms a total distance of 100 feet around two bollards. Start the Victim Rescue by dragging the rescue dummy out 25 feet, around bollard one. Then back 25 feet crossing the starting/finishing lines to continue out another 25 feet, around bollard two. Once around bollard two go 25 feet back to the starting/finishing lines. Once the candidate completes dragging the victim 100 total feet, event ten is complete.

Short Video: Victim Rescue

Move 20 feet to the Finish.


The candidate will leave event 10 with the victim in its original starting location and move forward 20 feet to the Finish Line.